President's Message

Sidama Bank Share Company is a relicensed bank by the National Bank of Ethiopia. It has got an operational license as of July 1,2022. Its shareholders are around two thousands. The composition of the shareholders includes individuals, cooperatives, regional government offices, churches, associations, and private companies.
As the founding fathers of the former Sidama Microfinance Institution have a vision of expanding financial services to the needy groups, the bank is also envisioned to be inclusive financial provider to rural and urban societies of Ethiopia and beyond. As Ethiopia has ample untapped economic potentials, the bank has a plan to play its role share for the prosperity of the country and wellbeing of its citizens. As the future business operations belongs to digital finances, Sidama Bank wants to position itself as technology bank. Hence it plans to own state of art financial technologies as drivers of its services.
Therefore, I invite everybody to partner with us for the common best interest.

Our Mission

To provide accessible and modern banking services to the urban and rural population of our country in order to create value to all its shareholders and stakeholders.

Our Vision

To be the leading inclusive financial service provider in Ethiopia.

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Sidama Bank Share Company is a relicensed bank by the National Bank of Ethiopia. It has got an operational license as of July 1,2022. Its shareholders are around two thousands. The composition of the shareholders includes individuals, cooperatives, regional government offices, churches, associations, and private companies.

Board of Directors

Latest News

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